Page 5 - By Any Other Name Spring 2018
P. 5

Spring 2018                                                                                        Page 4

          Rainbow                                  The Kiss

          Sanjana Konda, Grade 10                  Virginia Keating, Grade 11

          It has been elusive for days.            Long ago we fell in love from the power of a simple kiss
          Rainbow, come paint your colors over the    We were each others’ everything
                 sun’s rays.                       our love for each other would carry us till the end of time.
                                                   or so that was what my mind told me.
          Red, crunchy apples that are picked, hot    You no longer needed the love I gave hopelessly to you
                 chilies that add spice.           I used the only thing I had left, the kiss
          The rainbow’s first color symbolizes love    it was a weapon to keep you loving me like I loved you.
                 and life.                         In the end it was the power of a kiss that took you away.

          Grinning, orange pumpkins, the soft hues
                 of the harvest moon.
          The rainbow’s second color can grant us,
                 our every boon.
          Yellow lemonade that quenches summer
                 thirst, a blinking traffic light.
          The rainbow’s third color is such a
                 refreshing, remarkable sight.

          Green poison ivy, endless cups of healthy
                 green tea.
          The rainbow’s fourth color is paradoxical,
                 so tread carefully.

          Blue jays flying above, gigantic whales
                 swimming below.
          The rainbow’s fifth color gives off a feeling
                 -  so mellow.

          The deep, indigo midnight sky, the
                 American Flag beautifully
          The rainbow’s sixth color is very mystical
                 with no true meaning.

          Playful, violet sea urchins lolling in the
                 waters, yummy grape jelly.
          The rainbow’s seventh color sets a happy
                 flurry in my belly.

          Close your eyes and come fly with me,
          Let us sit in the clouds while we share
                 some glee.

          We can jump onto raindrops and slide
                 down rainbows,
          Let us try to see the myriad colors through
                 our telescopes.

          It is far more magical than it seems,
          Let us run away and follow our dreams.

                                                            (Above) Spin ‘N’ Win, Brooke Flecca, Grade 10, Photography.
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