Page 5 - By Any Other Name Fall 2019
P. 5

Fall 2019                                                                                          Page 4

          The Holy City                                          Darkening Sadness

          By Amal Qureshi, Grade 12                              By Ahmed Bilal, Grade 12
          In Mecca, I remember                                   The deep dark alley was my route
          I was ten, with                                        Flickering lights and thundering clouds
          my mother and sister, in the mosque                    An everlasting abyss
                                                                 The reapers subtle kiss
          We sat on the floor, but there was not                 Running from my past
          enough room for all three of us                        But now the shadow is cast
          so I found myself one row behind, next to              Swallowing me alive
          two women                                              And spitting out a hollow life

          They spoke no English, I no Indonesian                 Heartless...
          but they smiled at me, placed candy in my hands
          and we sat quiet, sugar-mouthed                        By Ahmed Bilal, Grade 12

          And as Arabic came through the speakers                How is this distance between us
          pouring over our ears like honey                       Happy and smiling
          we sat still in the peace of a language                Then what now is the sudden fuss
          neither of us spoke, but both heard like music.        Did you lose trust
                                                                 Did I do something wrong
          Holding this memory like sunlight                      Now all I can do is long for you
          a sweetness on my tongue, I ask myself                 As I wait all day and night
          now and always                                         I realized something causing me to fright,
          is holiness in God, or is it in the people?            You really were as heartless as they said.

                                     (Above) Unseen Marrakech, Isabel Mestey-Colon, Grade 9, Pencil.
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