Page 12 - Spring By Any Other Name 2019
P. 12

Page 11                                                                            By Any Other Name

          Aubrey Kate Martinez                                   tray my fish at the
                                                                 time.  I wanted to do
          Artist Spotlight                                       this piece in one sit-
          What medium do you use the most?  Which do you         ting and emphasize
          enjoy using the most?                                  the natural curves
          I definitely use gouache and watercolor the most, and usu-  of my fish, using a
          ally together. I think I am more drawn to these paints be-  monochromatic and
          cause you use a more loose and fluid technique with them.   translucent color
          What is your favorite style?                           palette.
          I have always been attracted to bright colors and strong   Have you won any
          shapes in art. The artist Sari Shryack really focuses on   awards for your
          color and light in her paintings. This style is almost impres-  artwork?
          sionistic, and the way the colors look, almost glowing.  I have won
          What subject matter do you use the most?               a few ribbons in the Lake Highland Art Show and the Winter
          I tend to paint flowers and fish more than anything else.   Park Art Show, and a small art show at Kelly’s Ice Cream.
          I love to draw the shapes found in nature. I had a betta   Do you have any showings of your artwork?
          fish that inspired a lot of my pieces, and I would study the   I have put art in the Lake Highland Art Show every year
          shape and colors of his tail in watercolor.            and have participated in the Winter Park Art Show on and
          What inspires you?                                     off throughout high school.
          In art, I am inspired by unique bold choices focused on   Who is your favorite artist?
          color and depth. Strong choices in placement and color   Rory McEwen is one of my favorite artists.  He studied bo-
          relationships can make or break a piece, and I am inspired   tanicals in watercolor on vellum, perspex, glass, and metal.
          by works that take risks in composition that pay off in the   His pieces were simple in that the plants were the only
          final product.                                         focus of the piece. He floats the subject matter in the bare
          Which one of your works are you most proud of?         unpainted background of his canvas.
          I am most proud of my piece Blue Betta because I chal-
          lenged myself to use only Dollar Store watercolors and por-

             (Above) Palms, Aubrey Kate Martinez, Grade 12, Acryllic.  (Above) Topiary, Aubrey Kate Martinez, Grade 12, Acryllic.
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